Authors > Submission infoVirtual participation will be possible but with strong limitations:
Two-page abstracts Abstracts will be two-page long, in Times Roman 10, including Figures and References. Note that abstracts are not anonymous. Abstract templates for MS Word and Latex can be downloaded here: Abstract templates Four-page papers All accepted abstracts will have the possibility to be extended as a 4-page paper (to be published in the proceedings of the conference). This optional 4-page paper will not be reviewed but will be considered for a subsequent selection of works to be gathered in a special issue of a journal (to be specified). 4-page paper templates for MS Word and Latex can be downloaded here: 4-page paper templates You can submit your optional 4 page paper here: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ISSP2024 (Author console - Create Camera Ready Submission) DEADLINE April 15. |
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